

Private Canku Preschool is a preschool education institution that operates with a Ministry of National Education license, where 30-72 months of children are trained with education counselling, educational coordination and psychological counseling/family counseling.

The school, which is known to be the oldest preschool in Gaziosmanpaşa, Istanbul, is located in Gaziosmanpaşa Cumhuriyet Square. The check-in and check-out hours are 07.30 in the morning and 18.30 in the evening. Working families are taken into consideration.

In addition to the educational facilities, the school also has a playroom, a sleeping room, a dining room, a terrace garden, a bathroom with toilets and washbasins. All departments and units have complete natural illumination and natural ventilation. School services include breakfast, lunch, afternoon meal, security, service, guidance/pedagogy service, summer school and foreign language activities.

As of 2017-2018 academic year, our school’s foreign language courses taken out from their time limits and turned into language activities. With the participation of branch teachers and classroom teachers, all activities are conducted in English only and convolutely. While preparing monthly and weekly bulletins, these convolutely progressing activities are planned thematically and based on achievements by educational counseling and coordination. Monthly and weekly bulletins are delivered to parents in a digital environment prior to application.

In addition to the preschool education program that continues with applied workshop educations, foreign language classes, mind games, visual arts workshop (marbling, stone painting, painting), wood workshop, music workshop (rhythm and orff), basic mathematics, chess lesson and family education and counseling services are included in the tuition fee and no extra fees are required. In addition to these, there are branch courses in ballet, folk dances and defense arts.

Trips suitable for preschool age group and the level of children are planned and executed with their educatory, entertaining and social outcomes in mind.
Full-time and part-time education is provided in the school for three different age groups. Children are grouped according to their age and development levels, and these groups are named in various ways, such as astronauts, flying balloons, strawberries and rainbows.

In the Canku’s unique education system, different educational programs and methods are planned for different age groups, and children’s social, psychometry, cognitive, social, emotional, lingual developments and self-care skills are aimed.

In this sense, applied programs, whose core is created based on multiple intelligence, Montessori and Reggio Emilia educational movements, within which subjects are utilized as tools not objectives, curiosity and enthusiasm awakens, creativity is at the forefront, the child can gain experience by living in a free environment under the guidance of the teacher, importance is given to family participation and cooperation.

While preparing the preschool education program, all stages of child development is taken into account and developed as a continuation of each other. Wood workshop, art workshop, kitchen workshop, language workshop, science and nature workshop, creative drama, thought, fairy tale and imagination workshop activities are prepared to reveal the talents of preschool children who are considered as shirts’ first button. Educational games that reinforce the targeted achievements through programs, and street games that were forgotten have been planned and implemented.

It is known that love for Ataturk, Ataturk's life, his principles and revolutions are inseparable parts of Canku’s educational program, and social and cultural activities.

In our school where records are kept starting from the beginning, parents are informed by telephone, digital media, social media and/or meetings in person, at every step of the education. Secrecy and privacy are taken into consideration in guidance service.

The day that starts with breakfast continues with gymnastics and sports does not come as boring to children thanks to joy brought by applied education. Children enjoy learning at Canku. All groups, especially the preschool preparatory class, learn the discipline of study unconsciously, they are preparing for the next step of education and life as free, self-confident, productive, at peace with on their own and with the environment, as enterprising individuals.

Daily nutritional program of the school consists of three meals a day and the food lists are created under the supervision of a nutritionist. During the preparation, readymade foods including fruit juices are not included in the lists, organic foods that are hygienic and kept under the proper conditions are preferred. When preparing lists, the current season, vegetable and animal food balance, white meat and red meat balance, oil, carbohydrate and protein balance are monitored in daily and weekly signs. The nutrition lists are being sent to parents in the beginning of each month. The food sample of each meal are kept for 36 hours under appropriate conditions.

Summer school courses, consisting of horse-riding, swimming and ice skating activities are both fun and instructive for children. At Canku, where more time is spent for fun activities in the summer school, besides the planned country trips, foreign language education in English continues.

For the registration to the school year, a petition, photocopy of the student’s ID card, two passport pictures and student’s vaccination card are required.

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