Our Workshops

Collage And Painting Workshop

Rooted from French, the word collage means ‘to stick’. With photography as its main element, it can be used within various forms of art. Our children create unique works by bringing together materials like photographs, objects, recycled materials that they have collected, and excerpts of newspapers and posters. Collage and painting support children to create freely, while also transform their imaginations to objects and visuals. In the beginning, works are not judged as right or wrong. Limitless imagination comes forward as it is. It may seem ordinary to us, adults, to see completely irrelevant objects brought together to create meaning, but these artworks created by children are priceless artworks to them. Collage and painting create the notion of logical fiction in children. With the notion of fiction, children find quite a new method to manifest themselves within the process of actively expressing changing lives in modern ages. This workshop leads children to the process of creating a new meaning through producing the own limitless reality of the collage area with their hands by associating images that enter their mind piece by piece. Children who regularly attend this workshop under the supervision of experts will be one step ahead compared to their peers when it comes to self-expression and production.


Mind Games Workshop

The main aim of this workshop is understanding the existing potentials of our children, developing these open to change potentials, helping them acquire new ways of thinking that will help them find unique solutions to problems, and teaching and diversifying the dimensions of thinking. The Intelligence and Mind Games Workshop is an applied education activity that systemize thought. Within this workshop, while important contributions are made to strategic thinking, reasoning, problem solving, spatial perception abilities of our children, who are the leaders of the future; a perspective that can be used to combine these abilities with components to reach a conclusion within daily activities is given. Producing information, thoughts and imagination uniquely, organizing and developing them are the fundamental achievements of this workshop.


Design Workshop

During activities from the fields of ceramic, marbling, pattern design, painting etc. the opportunity to touch designership, which is seen as the job of the future, is presented to children. Besides children having fun at the Design Workshop at Canku, they are given the opportunity to experience a different intelligence exercise through little design experiments they created.


Recycling Workshop

At Canku, we pass materials with expired daily lives through our thought atelier first and make projects to transform those materials into completely new products and repurpose, by either disassembling or combining them. Thus, while our imagination and design abilities are developing, we also possess a product that is in a new form. In this way, we gain the consciousness of protecting the environment and not wasting.


Language Workshop

Our school’s foreign language education is taken out of its time limitations in 2017-2018 academic year and applied to theme-based activities that take place convolutely in three days of the week with the participation of classroom and subject matter teachers. During these activities, children learn the foreign language in the same way that they have learned their mother tongues, unconsciously. Thus, the foundation for the language education is formed, which they will need in the future. It is proven scientifically that children who have learned a foreign language in an early age have broader perspectives, present behaviors associated with maturity and they are one step ahead academically among peers who have not been educated in a similar manner. Moreover, besides English, basic German education is also given to children who belong to the bigger age group that we call preparatory class. While weekly and monthly bulletins are prepared by education counselling and coordinators, plans are made based on achievements and their applications are monitored in every step.


Turkish Language Workshop

Turkish language workshop consists of activities that are planned to help our children speak Turkish correctly and beautifully, broaden their vocabularies, express themselves correctly and develop their communication skills. It is aimed for our children to use Turkish properly, pronounce correctly, use different words truthfully according to their structures and meanings, gain active listening abilities, express their emotions and thoughts truly both verbally or non-verbally, use the correct tone of voice depending on the situation and produce words correctly. Besides, one of the important functions of the Turkish Language Workshop is supporting children to develop positive attitudes towards books and instilling the love for books.


Natural Sciences

Our entire nature is our atelier. During the activities of this workshop, the focus stays on living creatures and their relations with the nature. Depending on their grades, our children examine plants, fungi and various living things from the animal world and learn with fun activities. For instance, concepts like seeds, flowers, fungi, birds, bugs, and natural cycles are examined within these workshops. Moreover, nature trips and observations are also made on specific days as a part of this workshop.


Fairy Tale Workshop

Within our fairy tale workshop, which is one of the most enjoyed workshops by children, we do not only tell existing fairy tales but also increase the joy by producing new ones and have more fun. As we learn many things from fairy tales, we also wear the shoes of fairy tale heroes and travel to different lands from time to time. While we develop our imaginations with fairy tales, we also develop our problem-solving skills when coming up with solutions for fairy tales’ heroes. In this way, we start to think creatively and ask questions. We get into tales with their pictures and also, draw new ones by ourselves. Therefore, our interest in reading books increases, our vocabulary develops, and we learn our culture, reading, alphabet, numbers, mathematics, animals, forests, flowers, trees, seasons more permanently with fairy tales. Our sense of curiosity also increases. We start to form meaningful relationships between the real world and our imaginations. Thereby, we also start to reveal its benefits not only to ourselves but to both our teachers and parents. Adults start to see the world from our perspectives, especially with the help of pictured fairy tale books. Again, we grasp better how to act against dangerous situations of our times, that we should be careful in relation to the issue of trust, and how to behave towards foreigners with the help of fairy tales.


Attention and Visual Perception Workshop

In this workshop, we develop our ability to analyze rudiments that reach us and interact with our various senses. Because ability to analyze information is bound to special cognitive processes and to prior knowledge. While the foundation for us to grasp better whether the information that reaches us is true and trustable or not is formed through this workshop, we play fun games that help us acquire skills needed for concentration and task motivation.


Dream Workshop

We are happy and joyous in this workshop where we also play imaginary games. While it is proven scientifically that the human brain releases a hormone called endorphin during a joyous activity, it is true that this hormone makes us happy. Moreover, as long as we are permitted to play games and dream, we develop our imaginations and creative thinking skills. Our imagination blazes with creative games and we are encouraged to express our inner worlds, emotions and perceptions regarding the world outside, imagine other’s lives, produce solutions to various issues and create something new. In this way, we create a basis that will help us find more effective and creative solutions to problems of our future lives. Our sense of wonder also develops thanks to our imagination and as you know, children who imagine and wonder become individuals who ask more question and learn more regarding life. Inasmuch as our free play hours, our toys that we have built with our hands are also the outcomes of our imaginations and to us, this is one of the most imagination supportive activities.


Journey to Colors

There are many studies that reveal bonds between colors and senses. It is known by everyone that colors significantly contribute to the development of the brain, creativity, efficiency and learning. Where we are given the opportunity to learn, we can put forward our full potential and also, learn more in return. With the journey within which we travel to the world of colors, we can tell what happens within our inner worlds. Colors are very important to understand oneself. Colors I used after the age of 4 are more meaningful. When I was 3-4 years old, I used the colors I liked with joy and more than other colors I used. I would choose my favorite color when I was painting someone I love, for instance. Actually, our house, tree and family paintings can be read very differently. Since our language abilities do not develop enough until we learn how to read and write, the paintings we do give hints regarding our ways of thinking, abilities and expectations, even if we cannot express our emotions, distresses, fears verbally. The size of the paper we use, figures, their distribution on the surface, color choices reflect our mood. If you know how to read these correctly, you also know that a line I had created also has a meaning.


Culinary Arts Workshop

You should see us in the kitchen. While we develop our dexterity, we also satisfy our curiosity. The flavor we add to the food takes part in our lives. We develop our handcraft and learn how to use kitchen utensils correctly and safely. I also look very cool with the special clothes of this workshop. With this workshop, where we have a good time, ask “did I do this?” at the end, taste our own products; we become able to help our parents easily in the kitchen with the new foods and tricks we learned.


Open Air and Street Games Workshop

Unfortunately, as much as it affects our education and lifestyle, today’s life conditions within cities also affect our ways of playing games. However, at Canku, we learn traditional street games within a specific plan and experience the excitement of games played by our elders before we were born. We know how important this is for our development and health. While we have a good time, we learn new games and realize that games have rules like the real life that everyone has to obey, challenges and competitions are a part of life and they should not be exaggerated, winning and losing are always together but we should not give in on the way that we know is true for sure. My clothes might get a bit dirty in this workshop, but you don’t have to worry about them because I have learned from detergent advertisements that mud and grass spots can be cleaned easily


Preparation to the Literacy Workshop

We all know that we should learn reading and writing in primary schools. But not to have difficulty, to increase the level of our readiness and to pass to reading and writing more easily, we are in a serious preparation at Canku. This preparation takes place yearlong with entertaining activities. Advancing our perceptions with these activities develops our attention gathering, remembering, reasoning, problem solving, eye-hand coordination and pencil holding abilities; we also make pictured studies to advance our cognitive functions such as matching, relating, sorting, grouping. We like listening to and discuss story books, for instance. We started to learn that printed materials actually has a message. We are interested in stickers and symbols more now.


Thought Workshop

In this workshop, we are searching for the answers to what the features of concepts and entities are, what they are, and questions like “what is this? who is it?”. To get a better understanding, we benefit from examples. To test the effectiveness and persuasiveness of the subject, we search for the words of trustworthy and known people and learn. By comparing concepts and entities, we explore the similarities and different sides of entities.


Structure Building Workshop

Building something new or a piece that represent a real object and using building tools both entertains us and develops our imagination and handcrafts. We create new physical bonds between materials and play games according to the directions of our thoughts. Thus, we find a chance to express ourselves creatively. Blocks we use within Structure Building Workshop may seem simple to you, but they are classified as open-ended materials since they can be used in various forms; and open-ended materials present many opportunities to develop divergent thinking and various opinions thanks to their versatility. Also, the design, montage, disassembling, lifting and relocation of blocks from one place to another used in Structure Building Workshop supports the development of our muscles that vary in size and our coordination. This provides serious contributions to the advancement of our sharp and rough motor skills and imaginations.


Orff and Rhythm

Orff and Rhythm Workshop is among the workshops that has the most entertaining activities. Music, speech and dance are humans’ expression tools. In this workshop, we learn about music, which is universal, and rhythm that is with us since we were in our mothers’ womb. These activities play an important role in our developments. There is no living thing that does not react even to a little melody. Our potential is revealed via Orff. We are presented with several opportunities during this process. Therefore, doors are opened to us to be directed to a branch of art depending on our fields of interest and level of intelligence. Moreover, our talents become discovered in our early childhoods. Of course, it is not a must for all of us to play an instrument or become dancers and we are not forced to. But we grow as art lovers, good and distinguishable listeners.


Origami Workshop

With the Japanese paper folding art Origami, we create various objects, especially traditional figures such as animals, flowers, boxes, out of square papers. It is possible to form everything in the world with origami and we do all this with using just paper. We do not use scissors and glues in origami. Since origami teaches us what we can do with our imagination and a piece of paper, it is a both educatory and entertaining game. As we feel like playing a game with origami, it affects the development of our learning skill and emergence of our creativity potential positively. When we see figures that come to life after folding a piece of paper differently, our sense of success strengthens. Moreover, it helps to develop the sense of aesthetics regarding what we do. When trying to create various objects with origami, I need to gather my attention, watch the model and listen to given directions to succeed. This teaches me to be determined, planned and patient with a work discipline to reach a successful conclusion.


Trees and Plants

We acquire knowledge on subjects such as how plants, which are inseparable part of our lives are grown, the factors that affect their growth, and differences among their growths through science and nature activities in this workshop. In this way, we grasp that plants are also living things, a plant needs air, water and light to grow, some seeds may need longer periods of time to turn green and come out of the soil, and proper conditions are necessary to achieve correct results.
This workshop has several steps such as observation, classification, quantification, description. We grow some plants in pots in the classroom such as grass, flowers, beans, potatoes, carrots. While doing that we use materials that are unutilized anymore, such as yogurt cups, milk cartoons, cake cups, unused kitchen utensils. We observe the development process of the plants we grow. We also collect seeds of plants and fruits. We also observe the natural vegetation by doing excursions from time to time. In this way, we distinguish various plants by their growth, find out our different areas of interest, find relations between events and objects, perceive our environment easily and gain environmental awareness.


Ballet, Gymnastics, Modern Dances

Since ballet and modern dances require body and mind control, children who attend these workshops learn this control and form body discipline setup. These musically enriched art activities contribute to the development of musical aptitude and sense of rhythm in children. Perception of art in children who meet with classical or genuine pieces develops. Perspectives, imaginations and artistic narrative skills of children who meet classical pieces earlier than their peers stand out. Children’s rib cage, spinal cords and muscle structures within their developing skeletal systems grow healthier thanks to ballet exercises. Besides teaching how to act coordinatively, movements that require synchronization of arms and legs also help children to develop emotional reflection, body language and how to express the right message outwards, since they will take place together with mimics and control of stance. Children who meet with group work at an early age learn how to act in harmony with the community, socialize and how to meet the group halfway due to the nature of these activity. They also develop an unerring stance regarding speaking in community, dancing, stage performance and self-esteem, since they get the chance to present their performance on stage. Children who have developed representative skills become more successful in their both social and professional lives in the following years. If ballet and modern dances are continued in a disciplined manner after starting out as a fun activity for children, they also provide an opportunity to become socially beneficial individuals thanks to contributions such as discipline in life and artistic point of view.


Wood Workshop

One of the primary aims of education systems of developed countries is nurturing people who discover with their hands, try to solve problems and put forth their creativities. Education plans that bring handcraft-based learning and tinkering to classrooms more and branch teachers who are specifically trained to work towards this aim are encouraging children to learn by making and to manage their learnings while also speeding up their cognitive and motor developments. Mathematics and problem-solving abilities of a child advance with workshops and handcrafts transform into intelligence.
Deconstructing to understand structure and combining to build a new structure are the main theme of the wood workshop. Analysis and synthesis skills develop faster in children who attend such workshops. Children also gain ability to express emotions and thoughts through various symbolic environments.
In this workshop, a child must express himself or herself and also, has to understand others. While learning new models, a child has to understand what was told verbally, ask questions and answer, make cognitive assessments, order, sort, express imaginary situation when needed, talk about emotions and thoughts, transform information to each other, and learn new terms that are related with the task together with their functions.


Astronomy Workshop

Within this workshop, the aim is to raise awareness among children about the subjects that are related to astronomy, introduce celestial bodies of the universe, familiarize with how space is monitored and technologic developments related to astronomy, and our world together with us is a part of the universe, according to children’s grades. The sense of curiosity towards astronomic events and celestial bodies awakens with activities that take place. In this way, the foundation for scientific research and examination is formed, the ability to comment on processes and results advances through three-dimensional thinking, the relation between time and space is grasped, and ideas supported by realistic and scientific foundations regarding formations of the universe except earth among children.


Scamper Brainstorming Workshop

Imagination is more important than information. Because when information is limited, imagination covers the entire world. -Albert Einstein
Development of children’s creative thinking skills is one of the primary aims of the pre-school education. Activities towards techniques that lead to creation of different and unique ways of thinking and imagination form the subjects of this workshop. Children can produce new products by utilizing every step of Scamper Technique. We can define Scamper activities as controlled brainstorming techniques. Every idea put forth by children are assessed and they are encouraged to think differently. Unlike other brainstorming techniques, Scamper requires the following of specific steps.
With Scamper, chosen object changes, advances, dismantled or can be combined with other objects. Questions are directed at children to reveal different ideas, therefore provide opportunities to assess the situation from different angles and advancing of their imagination and thinking skills. With the application of these yearlong planned activities perspectives of children broadens, the speed of grasping increases, and they gain the ability to see problems from different angles and to produce various solutions.


Creative Drama, Mime and
Puppeteering Workshop

The aim of this workshop is to create creativity, communication skills, positive sense of self, ability to express self in various ways and aesthetic sensitivity among children.
Activities are planned and executed compatibly and convolutely with our institution’s aims and principles to nurture self-esteemed, searching, producing, responsible, free – free thinking, participant, tolerant and empathizing individuals whose abilities by birth are also revealed. Our children of different age groups are encouraged to express their ideas, emotions, experiences through creative drama activities. With activities organized to recognize, understand and experience different roles to create an artistic point of view and an artistic understanding; our children’s creativity, cognitive abilities and self-esteems are supported to develop positively, and aimed at them to realize their emotions, create healthy communications, raise their social awareness and advance problem solving skills.


Bilingual Education to Preparatory Classes
English – German

Our school’s foreign language education is taken out of its time limitations in 2017-2018 academic year and applied to theme-based activities that take place convolutely in three days of the week with the participation of classroom and subject matter teachers. During these activities, children learn the foreign language in the same way that they have learned their mother tongues, unconsciously. Thus, the foundation for the language education is formed, which they will need in the future. It is proven scientifically that children who have learned a foreign language in an early age have broader perspectives, present behaviors associated with maturity and is one step ahead academically among peers who have not been educated in a similar manner. Moreover, besides English, basic German education is also given to children who belong to the bigger age group that we call preparatory class. While weekly and monthly bulletins are prepared by education counselling and coordinators, plans are made based on achievements and their applications are monitored in every step.


Guidance Service
Individual Tests

Monitoring and assessment of psycho-social, affective and cognitive developments, planning and application of necessary professional cautions, and supporting of personality and academic development, help social skills to advance. With the Guidance and Psychologic Consultancy Services at Canku, our children’s development in different fields is continuously monitored, scientific recognition forms are created to know the children, to discover their features that are strong and need strengthening, and to guide them correctly.
The orientation process which is hard and stressful for the new coming students is realized successfully in a healthy manner and every student is followed closely. In this point, interviews have to take place to continue the process in coordination. It is aimed to improve children’s cognitive intelligence abilities with attention and concentration increasing activities during educational hours. Our PDR Service works in coordination and in contact with not only the children but also teacher, manager and parents, while the principle of privacy and safety is taken as a priority, organizes monthly thematic family education events, and guidance, directions and counselling applications are performed in relation to parent counselling, game therapy, sibling affections, jealousy, bed wetting, hyperactivity disorders, intellectual giftedness, special learning dysfunction, other psychologic factors. Trustworthy scientific tests and inventories are used by our service to define our children’s developmental and academic necessities. These activities are planned, executed by school psychologist, education coordinators and education counselling and assessed with all parts.

Tests and Inventories Applied to Our Children

  • Metropolitan School Maturity Test
  • Frostig Developmental Test
  • Ankara Developmental Screening Test (AGTE)
  • Gessell Developmental Test
  • Goodenough Harris Draw-A-Person Test
  • Draw-A-Family Test
  • Multiple Intelligences Inventory
  • Louisa Duss Psychoanalytic Story Test
  • Children’s Apperception Test

Special Education

Classical education approach assumes that the needs, abilities, senses, intelligence types of all the children are the same, that they learn at the same level and they have the same motivation. However, scientific researches conducted in the field of education show that; every student has different needs, wishes and expectations. Many students could not be distinguished in schools due to the understanding that every student is the same and they are not able to put forth their potentials. However, the reason why these institutions exist is to help children reveal their potential and provide environments for them to come forward.
Children’s differences are discovered at Canku and environments within which education opportunities provided are created for children to realize themselves. Special education is important not just for students who need special education but to every student to realize themselves. The education of a child who needs special education both in a group and as an individual, a school psychologist who provides an individual private education plan to the child, child’s teacher, education coordinator and education consultancy are planned within the knowledge of parents, applied within a specific period of time as a whole and again, shared with all participants. According to the results, necessary cautions are taken, and necessary directions are given.

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